Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bitcoin Prices Move in a Tight 15$ Range

Bitcoin prices moved in a tight 15 points range today. The lowest low marked on BTC-E stands at $562.45, the highest high at $547.97. One bitcoin is quoted at $564.70 on the exchange, compared to $560.60 on BitStamp.

Japanese website came out with a piece on failed bitcoin exchange MtGox. The article quotes, a site dedicated to following how bitcoins move around the world. CoinSight has a dedicated page for MtGox. According to the article, between March 7th and March 10th around 530,000 bitcoins have been moved from addressees known to belong to the firm. Reddit users have noted that CoinSight counts stuck transactions as well so the actual number of coins is likely less than 530K. Few days ago the exchange reported that it has ‘’found’’ 200,000 bitcoins in an old wallet.
The move was cited by a creditor’s representative who filed a petition with the Tokyo District Court dated March 11: ‘’Requests regarding massive bitcoin withdrawals were made which should have been impossible for anyone other than those with special bitcoin exchange access rights, such as representatives (i.e., Mark Karpeles) of the rehabilitation debtor (MTGOX)’’.
Nobuaki Kobayashi, an attorney serving on the oversight committee for the MtGox civil rehabilitation case, didn’t comment on the findings, his secretary was quoted as saying: ‘’No response can be given to questions regarding this case.’’

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